VH Girl's Hoops
VH Girl's Hoops a non-profit organization that is aligned with the Vestavia Department of Parks and Recreation and is for competitive players in 3rd through 11th grade. All 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grade competitive players must also participate in the VH Rec League. Girl's 3rd thru 6th grade have several opportunities available to participate competitively including in the Over the Mountain League and on a Spring Travel Team. Typically the OTM Competitive Season is played in January and February and may also include a December Holiday Tournament. Practices for the OTM Season may begin on Sunday afternoons September thru November. An additional week night practice is added in mid October and continues for the duration of the season. League game dates vary and the league schedule is generally released in early December.
In addition to the OTM season, competitive players in 3rd thru 11th grade can also participate in the Spring Travel Season. These teams form in February and play thru May in local and regional tournaments. Tournaments may also continue through the summer. An additional fee is required for non-residents. Spring teams often affiliate with a private organization such as the Alabama Basketball Academy or other group. As long as resident and non-resident guidelines are followed, these teams are eligible to utilize the benefits of VH Girl's Hoops.
Rosters for OTM and Spring Teams are by invitation. Registration and Fees vary by individual teams.
Coaches interested in forming a team through VH Girl's Hoops must complete the requirements outlined by the VHP&R Department that may include but may not be limited to a background check, on-line training courses and a coaches code of conduct. For information about forming a team please contact Wes Gaylard at wesgaylard@gmail.com or 205-296-5674.